Buy or Build on Any Lot

Buy or Build on Any Lot

We want your home’s location to feel right to you.

If you haven’t fallen in love with a lot in one of our communities, we can buy any lot and build your home in a place that feels right for you.

If you already own your land or have identified a home site you feel is perfect for your new home, we’d love to meet and discuss your vision. We can analyze the site and its suitability for new home construction, then purchase the lot for you if necessary. We can also help you navigate neighborhood covenants and restrictions and understand potential setbacks.

If you need a little assistance finding perfect spot, our agents maintain a catalogue of all available lots in the greater St George area. We can help you find the perfect location for your home based on factors as school zones, nearby attractions, shopping, grocery stores — whatever feels right to you.

Call (435) 261-4545 or email [email protected]. We’d be happy to schedule a time to understand your needs.

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